Sunday, February 17, 2008

【幼稚園学生ためにヲタ芸】 Toughs about Dschinghis Khan

「ジンギスカン」 Berryz工房

There is not doubt that Berryz Koubou is the most important wotagei related group in all the Hello! Project. ºC-ute could be the second one if you ignore those ballads that are so pink and sweet for the average "kimo wota". :P

For years, wotagei was a dance only for the most extreme and fanatic J-pop music followers. Most of the wota from Japan were anime seiyuu's followers or anime songs' maniacs, specially those songs who were connected with adult videogames' series. :P

There were no place for do wotagei freely, only that kind of events organized by otaku people or celebrated in Akihabara.

The fast popularization of Hello! Project bring to the surface the most radical J-pop music followers, and gave them a place into the cultural life of Japan.

They popularized wotagei outside the anime songs' world and gave wotagei the mainstream place that it deserved in both Japanese media and Hello! Project's products.

I was really surprised when I saw for the first time Berry's Koubou "Dschinghis Khan" PV. I never expected that Up-Front Works could do a wotagei video guide using kindergarten students and that experiment could work. :P

The kindergarten students do "mawari" マワリ, "oshi jump" 推しジャンプ and a group version of the "oshi jump" that looks like a water wave. :P

Meanwhile abroad, the only two Internet sites that have been published wotagei guides are and Hello! Wota, in Japan there are severals sites that offer different kind of guides and vocabulary's lists about wotagei culture.

Wotagei @ Wikipedia

Wotagei @ Hatena

Wotagei @ Wolfpedia

Until today, there is not any wotagei guide written in English on Internet or even an English article about wotagei in Wikipedia.

Most of the American wota are just collectors, J-pop music followers or computer centered weaboos, not real wota. :P

That's why Hello! Wota Blogspot has pointed in several occasions that Americans are not wota アメリカ人がヲタじゃない!. :P

I have a lot of friends who are living in USA, but the naked true is that nobody has been taking care about the wotagei's diffusion in America as Yumeki-san and I did it in Mexico. That's a shame. :P

Of course, Osaka and other people connected with Japanese seiyuu singers have been writing wotagei guides for their concerts, but the impact that those guides have been done into the American otaku community was low if you compare it with Mexico.

Let's start a wotagei article in Wikipedia. Berryz Koubou and Up-Front Works have showed to us that they take wotagei very seriously. ;)



  1. Tu pagina tan desinformativa como siempre, a veces no se por que me molesto en ayudarte y corregirte en tus errores por que ni agradeces,

    asi que dices que en Usa no saben hacer wotagei? pues por que no miras este video:

    yo estuve en ese lugar junto con 10,000 wotas, muchos americanos, mexicanos, japoneses y hasta ingleses, tods apoyandonos, por que para nosotros el estar atacandonos es lo mas tonto del mundo, si a ti te gusta hacer comparaciones tontas pues alla tu, ni siquiera sabes por que el concierto de aya hirano fue diferente al de japon, no tienes ni la minima idea o informacion, para la otra deberias mejor preguntar antes de sacar concluciones, espero que cambies tu forma de pensar

  2. Ha, ha, ha... Very interesting that a English post (in English language) has a Spanish language comment... :P

    Momoi-han is a gorgeous Idol but I think that a difference between Mexican wota and the rest of the foreigner wota community is that American wota has the money but not the spirit... :P

    We do wotagei alone, without any Japanese special help... ;)


  3. My friend and sorry, Mexican wotas???
    only 30 peoples in one country with 100,000,000 funny!
    Great spirit, in Yoko Ishida concert, and sorry!

    Look your concert in Mexico, maybe only 30 peoples make wotagei and the rest nothing, only take video hehehe, wow great spirit OMG:

    This its real Spirit 10,000 peoples make wotagei in America, and the people dont need money for make wotagei, gome ne!

    I know Dave your truth, the international wotagei comunity its one family, I dont know why this people atack amercian all time!

    Please Kurisu no more atacks!

    Y esto va en españo:
    Solo puse este video por que tu dijiste que el dia que miraras un video con mas del 80% de la gente haciendo wotagei en USA, pararias de atacar, ahi lo tienes!
    Y no es el 80% si no el 100%
    Oh vas ah querer mas videos por que los tengo con mas artistas!


  4. Ha, ha, ha... c'mon Osaka... you know that in USA are a lot of "wota" that don't have any idea about wotagei... of course, you have it because you are a Momoist, but must of the Hello! Project's followers don't have a good opinion about wotagei... they just love the girls but don't know how express their feelings toward them in a properly way... :P

    This is a post about Hello! Project's wotagei... so please, don't feel under attack because you are not a H!P wota... ;)


  5. yo!

    I stumbled across this while looking for something~
    You know, I speak more of int. wota than of US wota alone. So. I guess most gaijin H!P (Jpop) fans simply don't see wota(gei) as a way to express their love for idols, and wota are seen as creepy people, mostly (it's the same in Japan you know).
    So why should they even try to become wota or do wotagei? Plus there are no H!P concerts outside of Japan (well, Korea and Taiwan now too tho) were you can do wotagei, wotagei on fan-made events is something for diehard wota.. it's something that requires a different lifestyle. I think most H!P fans in my country think of wota as perverted freaks.
    I'm on your side though. I wish there were more wota-like people here I could meet for group dances or renting a hall to watch concerts etc.
    But the number of fans is low, therefore the number of wota is even lower. Mostly only people with likings for anime get to know jpop better, so no surprise actually. Heck even the whole Idol culture isn't common in most countries.
    Then again, I think I like that being wota isn't something usual.
    I'm not very good at wotagei tho, just learning a choreography to post it on youtube isn't something for me and there aren't any events here yet where you can do wotagei that are worth attending them. On Berryz concert I rather dance Berryz's dance (with a few wotagei elements) instead of wotagei.

    Oh, and: Berryz saikou!
