Friday, June 25, 2010

Mano Erina, S/mileage and Buono! ^-^

On Monday this week, I received the couple of DVDs that are shown in the photography: "Special Joint 2010 Haru ~Kansha Mankai!~ Mano Erina 2 Shuunen Totsunyuu & S/mileage Major Debut e Sakura Sake! Live" y "Buono! Live 2009 Hybrid Punch". ^^

I bought those DVDs at Amazon Japan because their prices had a very good discount. Anyway, at the end, I paid about 120 dollars for them because the expensive customs taxes we have in Mexico. -__-

Anyway, now that I have an steady job, an international credit card and I don't have any girlfriend who scold me, I can have this kind of indulgence. 'Cos, after all, I'm an Idol otaku. ^^

"Haru no arashi". Mano Erina. ^^

The main reason for buying those DVDs were the track-lists, specially in the case of Mano Erina's, because I was so anxious for seeing the performance of "Haru no arashi", the song that I always sing when I sadly remember my ex-girlfriend's affair. -__-

"Haru no arashi". Mano Erina. ^^

Of course, Mano Erina's performance was great, not only in "Haru no arashi" but also in "Hajimete no keiken", a couple of songs in which the wota cheered and supported Mano Erina with energy, passion and strength. ^^

"Ama no jaku". S/mileage. ^^

The surprise on this DVD was S/mileage: an Idol group that I didn't support at the beginning because its members were so thin and skinny that resembled anorexic models to me. -__-

"Yume miru fifteen". S/mileage. ^^

In this concert, S/mileage's best performance was, of course, "Yume miru fifteen" a song that had a great rhythmical beat for doing wotagei. ^o^

"Honto no jibun". Buono! ^^

The Buono!'s DVD is older that Mano Erina and S/mileage's, but considering that the girls perform most of the songs that they have been recorded in studio, its value is priceless. ^^

"Internet cupid". Buono! ^^

If you add to this, the fact that they sing along with a rock band (second live-sound DVD from Hello! Project since Morning Musume performed along with a music band in their first concert tour) you MUST have this DVD concert in your personal Idol collection. ^^


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Risako sings with emotion again ^-^

Lately, I discovered the Up-Front Group Official Youtube Channel, and with it, several clips and videos that promote Berryz Kobo's latest events and concerts.

One of them, the Hello! Project ANNEX presented by Berryz Kobo, impressed me because its quality: since "Berikore!" concert tour on 2008, I never saw the girls singing with that concentration, with that feeling, with that emotion that leaves you to drop some tears. -__-

Specially, Sugaya Risako. And specially her interpretation of "Suna wo kamu youni... NAMIDA", original from Matsuura Aya. -__-

I love that song because the honesty in which is described the bereavement in its lyrics:

Hayasugita koi deshita
[Our love] was a love that went too fast,
kizutsuke atte bakkari de
and only hurt us.
涙は雨の様に 激しく止まない
Namida wa ame no you ni hageshiku yamanai
My tears are violent, like the rain, and don't stop.
あの日が手の平から遠く離れ 気付きました
Ano hi ga te no hira kara tooku hanare kizukimashita
I realized that, that day, you were far away from my grasp.

Another sad and beautiful song that touched Kurisu's heart. ^^u


Saturday, June 12, 2010

El INJUVE sigue trabajando con las patas -__-

Tal como lo relata el video que presentamos aquí arriba, el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud incurrió en fraude e incumplimiento de contrato con la organización Oshimai, su socio comercial en Monterrey, Nuevo León, la cual tuvo que absorber los gastos generados por la visita de Koji Wada a México. -__-

Lo peor es que, ahora resulta, los organizadores de la Expo Comic Poder Joven desconocen el contrato que entablaron de manera verbal con Oshimai, y por lo tanto, tratarán de evadir toda responsabilidad moral, económica y jurídica con quienes trajeron por primera vez a Koji Wada a México.

Sin embargo, Miguel Torres (, Director del Área de Sistemas del Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud, miente al decir que ellos son una organización que "trabaja seriamente". Esto lo comprobé, de manera personal, al haber trabajado para ellos en la organización del primer concierto de Momoi Haruko en México. -__-

Miguel Torres me debe, hasta la fecha, los gastos relativos a la contratación de mi staff, así como un par de notas de gasolina que la Expo Comic Poder Joven 2009 ya no quizo pagar, bajo el argumento de que Momoi Haruko había convocado a menos personas que los grupos musicales mexicanos. O_O

Interesante, fue descubrir que, según datos oficiales proporcionados por el IFAI, la Expo Comic Poder Joven 2009 gastó $240,000.00 (dos cientos cuarenta mil pesos 00/100 M.N.) en traer y realizar el primer concierto de la Reina de Akihabara en México. O_O

De todo ese dinero, Momoi Haruko, su representante, su staff, mi staff y yo, vimos, gastamos y disfrutamos menos de la mitad. ¿A dónde se fue el resto? Eso es algo que, debido a los artilugios legales, a las terminologías jurídicas y a los tiempos que maneja el IFAI, nunca supimos. O_O

Es una lástima que el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud siga trabajando de esta manera tan informal, opaca y excluyente. Ahora resulta que si quieres participar de esta exposición, tienes que pagar 220 pesos, cuando en la expo del año pasado, la entrada fue gratuita. -__-

Los panistas que trabajan en el Gobierno Federal siempre han creido que privatizar es la mejor opción. Ahora, los otakus mexicanos organizados, les van a demostrar que la sociedad civil es la única y verdadera dueña de las manifestaciones culturales de los jóvenes. -__-
