Monday, November 15, 2010

韓国は小学生アイドルを禁止 South Korea forbids Primary School Idols O_O

Janey 제이니, 11 years old. O_O

South Korean Government has decided that Janey, a member of the Korean Pop group GP Basic, is breaking the infamous "Youth Protection Act", a document that just a couple of years ago, criminalized the gay and lesbian culture. -__-

Now, it's the turn of rorikon culture, of course, forbidding the public participation of a 11 years old woman, just because the lyrics and the choreography of the songs she performs could be interpreted as "sexual". O_O

"Game". GP Basic.

 As the Japanese media has reported, GP Basic has an average age of 13.5 years, which makes the group "politically incorrect". -__-

The dominant discourse about teenagers and children sexuality that has embraced by the United States of America and its allies, category in which enter South Korea, assume that the children can't be "sexy" or "sexual", and that's why it's consider "illegal" to display them in a "sexy" or "sexual" way. -__-

Unfortunately, the social reality shows us everyday that this kind of belief is not true, but it's difficult to oppose to the dominant discourse about teenagers and children sexuality, because in the social imaginary of countries as United States of America and their allies, "sex" is consider "bad", "polluted", "a sin", etc. But, in the same social imaginary, "children" are consider "good", "pure" and "divine", etc. Of course, no one of those opinions are true, just are imaginary notions. -__-


As critical readers, we must ask to ourselves: even considering the reports of supposed violations of underage Idols' Human Rights, why South Korea Government consider that is "bad" for a Primary School student to dance and sing in an "erotic" or a "sexual" way? O_O

Even more, why the South Korea Government thinks that has the right to forbid or to allow to a children the right of participate in the entertainment industry? o_O

What is next? To forbid all the Japanese U-15 Idols' products, including S-mileage's, Sweets', Berryz Kobo's, °C-ute's, or even, SPEED's DVDs, records and photo-books? o_O

Why the South Korea Government is embracing the sexual children hysteria? It's just a political measure from the United States of America to press Japanese Government for forbidding all U-15 Idols' products? O_O

Edit. November 16th: Here's the English translation of the lyrics of "Game", GP Basic's first single, so you can check, by yourselves, how "sexy" or "sexual" their contents are. Put attention to Janey's parts:


[Janey] Ayo who wanna get the talk, to you I’m a two faced crow. I’m your modest fox! Action! My show has already started, let’s go!
[Hannah] Because of you the fact that I’m calling you again is so foolish.

[Leah] Like a small child, I keep asking please choose, you’re pretty damn narrow minded.

[Zion] Go go go, come into my eyes, pretty boy boy boy. Please speak more truthfully, my boy.

[Trinity] Oh, the window I can see you through is foggy. Now come in up back towards you, don’t stop it, say it, he say.

[All] Come to me, one step two step, come to me my step. Don’t be nervous and don’t stop boy. The time goes tic toc tic tock, tick tick my talk. I stole your two eyes and your heart, one two three get back. [Hannah] Just like that boy, sit down with me, I’ve already won the big game.

[Leah] You’re already mine. My thoughts are yours, please look only at me while looking into my eyes.

[Zion] Go go go, come into my eyes, pretty boy boy boy. Please speak more truthfully, my boy.

[Trinity] Oh, the window I can see you through is foggy. Now come in up back towards you, don’t stop it, say it, he say.

[All] Come to me, one step two step, come to me my step. Don’t be nervous and don’t stop boy. The time goes tic toc tic tock, tick tick my talk. I stole your two eyes and your heart, one two three get back.

[Janey] Let’s play my cutey, pretty, like it, just my quick plan.

[Trinity] You and I have become one big game.

[Janey] Missing your eyes, you’re kissing my cheek.

[Trinity] Oh everybody download my spotlight, your hand on my shoulder.

[Janey] Everybody listen back up don't touch my toy (game over now) come on.

[All] Come to me, one step two step, come to me my step. Don’t be nervous and don’t stop boy. The time goes tic toc tic tock, tick tick my talk. I stole your two eyes and your heart, one two three get back.



  1. Era un paso lógico de mercadotecnia, las niñas de hoy en dia ya no quieren ser niñas sino mujeres, basta con ver toda la variedad de muñecas de juguete que se visten como prostitutas, o ver el departamento de ropa para niñas blusas pegadas que dicen "sexy" "hot" o cosas así, ya no es jugar a la casita o dibujar sino hacer un desfile de modas o maquillarse, luego por que salen los embarazos de adolescentes quieren vivir muy rapido, en fin yo lo veo objetivamente y no me afecta, quizas no tardemos en ver por occidente un grupo así.

  2. Como siempre lo he dicho, Estados Unidos maneja un doble discurso: por un lado, prohibe que las niñas pequeñas se muestren sexualmente en los medios, pero por otro, les manda juguetes tipo BRATZ, de mujeres que se visten como prostitutas o teiboleras... frente a ese doble mensaje, cuando llegan a la adolescencia, ya no saben qué hacer: si "guardar" su virginidad hasta el matrimonio o "gozar" de su sexualidad sin prejuicios...

    Finalmente creo que una niña que empieza a mestruar a los 9 o a los 10 años, puede sentirse (y aspirar) a ser una mujer... su cuerpo y sus cambios fisiológicos así se lo indican... -__-


  3. PD. Pensandolo bien, estaría de lujo que las PSP cantarán esta canción :)


  4. El enfoque es erróneo, no es una cuestión de moral sino de derechos. Cuando una adolescente de manera libre expresa su sexualidad la responsabilidad es de ella y de sus padres. Sin embargo cuando un equipo de producción o una agencia le indica a la menor cómo debe vestir y qué cosas cantar no es un acto de libertad, sino un acto cohercitivo que busca un lucro de impacto con beneficio económico.

    No veo ningún elemento "idol" en el grupo GPBasic, ni son kawaii ni pretenden ser tiernas ni pretenden ser inocentes sino todo lo opuesto. Es obvio que no son idols, sino lo diametralmente opuesto, por mí que canten cuanta basura quieran, es obvio que sólo intentan imitar a Beyoncé y al american style.

    La base del elemento idol no es aspirar a la libertad o madurez sexual, sino lo opuesto, alargar la infancia y la juventud lo más posible. Esa es la esencia, hay que entenderla.

    Y a partir de esa visión es posible comprender el formato japonés. Cuando Berryz o H!P canta ese estilo de canciones sólo favorece al american style, y no al formato idol japonés.

    Consecuentemente, hay que impulsar la imágen kawaii (no-sexy) sino tierna, que no causa conflicto a los 10 años, ni causa problema alguno con el crecimiento mental y emocional, ni mucho menos problemas con el estado.

    Pero Korea no le interesa lo idol japonés, sino lo gringo. Eso está claro.
