Sunday, July 23, 2006

紺野あさ美 Konno Asami's Graduation Concert ^-^

Today was the Graduation Concert of Konno Asami in Yoyogi National Gymnasium. A lot of Morning Musume and other Hello! Project groups were in the esplanade sharing goods and photographs of their favorites Idols. ^-^

Outside JR Harajuku Station, there were a lot of stands that sell Hello! Project non official photographs and videos, most of them, recorded and taken by fans themselves. :P

A lot of Hello! Project followers gathered next to the goods and photographs stands, waiting for friends or comrades. :P

Some fans put up a picture board with a message: "Don't forget that today is last concert of Ogawa Makoto too". :P

Also, this day, I met for the first time the most extreme Hello! Project followers:

I was impressed and scared at the same time. So energetic and powerful dance. I saw them doing the same steps inside the concert. Some people told me that this is called "wotagei". O_O

Anyway, Asami's graduation was great. Everybody used pink pen lights for cheer her up. I took only this small video because I ran out my camera's battery. -__-

I hope to return Yoyogi National Stadium again someday. ¡Congratulations Kon-kon! ^o^


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Hello! Wota is written by Christian Hernandez. Licentiate in Latin American Literature and Master in Psychology by the Autonomous University of The State of Mexico. Graduate student from the Master of Asian and African Studies, specialty Japan, by El Colegio de México A.C. Former scholarship holder from The Japan Foundation in Mexico and the Japan Student Services Organization. Check out my blog. Follow me in FaceBook or add me to your friends in mixi.