"Wotagei moves instructions subbed" (02-06-2009). ^^
Japanese, Mexican and American wota @ Hello! Party 2009 (05-07-2009). ^^
American Hello! Project Fans @ Anime Expo 2009 (07-07-2009). :P
"How to be wota" (12-12-2009). xD
For long time, Hello! wota has stated that "Americans are not wota!" based in the lack of evidence that demonstrates the true and real interest from the citizens of United States of America about wotagei and Idol otaku culture. -__-
But now, with the coming of a new otaku generation whose interests are more centered in Japanese Idols than in anime or manga, some American fans have started to explain to the rest of the English speaking community what is an Idol otaku, which are its characteristics, lifestyle, tastes and hobbies, and specially, what is called "wotagei":
Moreover, with the several Japanese Idol's performances in the United States' territory in the last months, some American fans have created wotagei related guides for support their favorite Idols in their concerts:
"Haru no arashi" basic chant guide (20-06-2010). :P
"Onegai dakara..." basic chant guide (20-06-2010). :P
A pretty good job, isn't it? :P
But the truth is that the American wota community is several years away from the Japanese wota community, the Thai wota community or the Mexican wota community, just to enlist some examples. :P
The cultural contacts that the American fans have had with Japanese and Mexican wota, specially in the Idol events of Anime Expo, had increase their knowledge about the real Idol otaku culture, but is not enough to reclaim a title that is reserved only for the most crazy and hardcore Japanese Idols' followers. ;)