Monday, February 22, 2010

ベッキー・クルーエル Beckii Cruel @ Akihabara :P

Akihabara is now the mecca not only of the Otaku culture but also the Idol otaku culture. That's great because now all the stupid Americans that believe and name themselves "wota" but don't practice wotagei could learn some Idol otaku culture every time that they travel to Japan. ;)

Beckii Cruel knows well about Idol otaku culture and, in opposition to some American female otaku that have performed at Dear Stage, she decided to promote wotagei as an important element of the Akihabara otaku culture. :)

That was great because for the first time, since the Jennya and Jonathan affair, I could see a foreigner female otaku doing wotagei in the Japanese TV. ^-^

Dear Stage opened its doors again to a female foreinger otaku, but this time, all the Akiba-kei wota enjoyed doing wotagei with "Saikou saikou paredo" meanwhile the girls danced the choreography and copied some wotagei's steps. :P

Of course, Beckii was lucky of met an wotagei master as Nami, the first female wota that I saw doing the "thunder snake". ^^

Beckii did wotagei in a cheerful and happy way and enjoyed the company of the "kusai ojisan" that Chelsea Chavis criticized in her blog. :P

No more discrimination for be wota. Neither from the foreigner people or the Japanese media. That was really nice. ^^

I hope that Beckii Cruel keep doing wotagei as long as her media career last, and I hope that she embrace the Akiba-kei culture with passion and respect for the sake of all the Idol otaku in the world. ^^



Anonymous said...

Por una vez no estoy demasiado de acuerdo contigo , Beckii hace eso por que se lo "mandan" , si no se lo mandaran no sabriamos si de verdad esta interesada en eso.
Hay que saber difereciar de lo que se puede aparentar para venderse a lo que de verdad puede pensar , pero eso no lo sabemos , por eso no deberiamos afirmarlo hasta conocerla mejor.
Pero bueno xDD

AiChan said...

Por qué siempre pone cara de enojada...? si sonriera triunfaría aun mas (aun sin entender yo el "qué" de su éxito, kurisu, necesito una explicación). Gracias.

Christelle said...

I think Beckii is cute physically, but sadly, she just don't know about Japanese culture...less about otaku/akiba-kei, as you can read in her formspring, for example:

She barely knows about the songs she dances, or the idols who interpret them... but the problem probably is that she's too young. At least she's not scared of wotas...

takifugu said...

- Me da curiosidad por que esta entrada en ingles ? sera que quieres salir en twitter de Beckii ?
-Particularmente me gustaba lo que hacia en yotube sin embargo ahora no se ..musicalmente no me llama la atencion -.- los videos no me pegan y como la Srta. Ruki Momoi ... esto lo hace por que se lo mandan mas que por voluntad propia ... Eso lo digo con un poco de conocimiento .. la sigo desde youtube igual que sigo a Cuca-chan xD ... su reaccion en el video no em aprece genuina .. o.o espero y la niña progrese ... pero todo sabemos que si no ocurre como ella hay cientos que hacen lo mismo en youtube y similares ...

Criticas cortesía de Don Hentaiotakuwota said...

Esta vieja es puro show jajajajaja!
es mas falsa que una caca de plástico.
No deberían promocionar a gente llamada "youtube celebrity", como a la tal danishbon...
La neta la exiben como lo que es, una freak-wanna-be-otaku-curiosity show,
que mamada.

Hello! Wota is written by Christian Hernandez. Licentiate in Latin American Literature and Master in Psychology by the Autonomous University of The State of Mexico. Graduate student from the Master of Asian and African Studies, specialty Japan, by El Colegio de México A.C. Former scholarship holder from The Japan Foundation in Mexico and the Japan Student Services Organization. Check out my blog. Follow me in FaceBook or add me to your friends in mixi.