Thursday, December 20, 2007


Today, Hello! Project Fanclub Mexico's members have been informed to me that Nihon TV's broadcasting of Mexican wotagei group's performances in their program "Mokusupe" モクスペ have had the consent and approbation of the regular and active members.

The problem, as I explained in Japanese language before, is that I didn't give any permission to Nippon TV for broadcast the wotagei videos I participated in.

If Nihon TV is planning broadcast my wotagei videos in "Mokusupe" show, I have enough friends, political contacts and legal advisers in Japan that could start the proceedings for a legal lawsuit against Nihon TV and their broadcasters.

I'm only requesting that Nihon TV take my opinion and broadcast my personal point of view in "Mokusupe". I speak very well Japanese language and I was the only Hello! Project Fanclub Mexico's member who had traveld to Japan and participated in several Hello! Project's concerts and events.

Hello! Wota Digest 01 - 「どうして日本人はヲタ芸がきらいですか」論

I'm not Japanese. I'm Mexican and proud of be otaku. The only thing I desire is to see Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou or ºC-ute groups' performances in Mexico someday.

Please, write to me before broadcast your special program. Beforehand, I advice you.

Here's my mixi direction:

Kurisu (Mexico's wotageishi) -



Hello! Project Fan Club México said...

Lo que esta escrito en este post no es cierto, Nippon TV contacto a los miembros del Hello! Project Fan Club México, para planear la realización de este programa, y los miembros que grabaron los videos decidieron voluntariamente ceder los derechos de los mismos a Nippon TV. Los miembros del Hello! Project Fan Club México siempre estuvieron informados de la realización de este programa.

P.D. Kurisu tu ya no eres parte del club por lo tanto no puedes dar ese tipo de declaraciones, por eso se te expulso, por inventar cosas y por aprovecharte del club.

Atentamente 菅谷エドガー (Sugaya Edgar).

Kal said...

Así es, Nippon TV contactó a los miembros del club para la realización de este programa, y se les proporcionaron los videos para que los transmitieran, Kurisu ya deja de mentir y como te dijo Sugaya ya no eres parte del club, por lo tanto no debes de andar amenazando ni nada porque en serio llevas las de perder.

Tha's right, Nippon TV contact with the members of the Hello! Project Fan Club Mexico, and we gave them the videos for their broadcasting. Kurisu no more lies and no more "advices" to Nippon TV, yo are not longer a member of this club, and those videos are not yours.

Christian Hernández said...

Ah, muy bien... gracias por aclarar este punto... :D

Sólo digánle a Nippon TV que si transmite alguno de mis videos de Youtube o alguno de los videos de ustedes en los que aparezco como miembro del club, mis abogados tomarán cartas en el asunto según los derechos que me otorga la ley de protección a la información personal en Japón...


Hello! Wota is written by Christian Hernandez. Licentiate in Latin American Literature and Master in Psychology by the Autonomous University of The State of Mexico. Graduate student from the Master of Asian and African Studies, specialty Japan, by El Colegio de México A.C. Former scholarship holder from The Japan Foundation in Mexico and the Japan Student Services Organization. Check out my blog. Follow me in FaceBook or add me to your friends in mixi.